Seglan S.L., dedicated to the design and development of software, for the provision of services, mobility and technical support for means of payment, mobility and ticketing, has decided to implement a Quality Management System based on the ISO 9001 standard to improve the service it provides to its customers.
Seglan‘s Management focuses on the Quality System as a way of organizing the functions of the organization based on basic pillars such as the Quality of its products, customer satisfaction and the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the System. For this, the Seglan Quality Management System is based on:
- Quality and its improvement are the responsibility of all members of the organization starting from the top.
- Quality is obtained by planning, executing, reviewing and improving the Management System, keeping in mind at all times the context ofthe organization, both internal and external.
- Quality is oriented towards the satisfaction of all our customers (and interested parties), through the commitment of the entire organization to meet their needs and requirements, as well as the legal and regulatory requirements and those of the products.
- Quality is based on the Continuois Improvement of both production processes and service provision, as well as the effectiveness of the Quality Management System in which preventing errors is afundamental aspect.
- Quality directs us to pay maximumattention to technological evolution andpossible improvements that new technologies make available to us.
- Quality requires the participation and collaboration of everyone, so this Policy is disseminated to all the organization’s personnelfor their knowledge andunderstanding
For the effective application of these principles, the support of both the management team and staff is absolutely necessary