
In SEGLAN, we’ve been developing  all the products you need to make your business grow.

Featured Products

Secure off-site

Since 2001, we’ve been providing SaaS products and services for issuers and acquirers that needed to dispose of safe payments on e-commerce. From components like 3DSecure v1.0.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.x to the COF/CTF platform.

Global tokenization

Tokenization has become the cornerstone of digital payments, that’s why SEGLAN is one of the first suppliers worldwide to offer a full solution in a single platform, for both issuers and acquirers of tokenization, proprietary and branded for safe storage, on-site HCE payments and off-site with trusted devices.


Seglan has created one of the first management platforms in the world capable of capturing on-site and off-site payments using 3DSecure, SoftPOS (PIN on Glass) and tokenization

Ticketing for transportation

We have created a fully centralized platform for the management of transport tickets, based on NXP’s Mifare/Desfire technology, including apps for the load of said ticket and to emulate ticket software on HCE and SE.

SEGLAN has also been working on a new system for agnostic ticketing, based on TokenID and with no impact from the technological point of view.

All of this with the objective of reducing costs to operators and consortia, while providing a better and clear management information to the citizen, with the capability of moving between different operators and consortia without depending on local procedures

EMV (issuer and acquirer)

3DSecure (issuer and acquirer)





Pin on Glass


PinPad initialization key manager


Remote loading of terminals and devices

EMV card customization manager

Digital signature systems

Electronic / Digital Notarization

OTP (basic or extended)


mCoupon, dCoupon


PSP Blockchain

PSP international payment services, with 3DSecure, tokenization, QR and Pin on Glass

3D Secure service (ACS) for processors and issuers

3DSecure service (DS Server) for processors. acquirers, PSP and businesses

Ticketing Service 4.0